Do you remember that little bundle of fat quarters I received to make a baby quilt called "Playing Tag", well I finally got time to put it together. It was an easy pattern, but the cutting directions were a bit unclear and there was an minor error in the instructions. The top is finished and hopefully some little one will enjoy playing with all the "tags" on the blocks. I'll get it quilted tomorrow, I hope.
Here's my week's results.
Fabric Added - 2.5 yds
Fabric Used- 1 yd
YTD fabric added - 6 yds
YTD fabric Used - 19.848 yds.

The colors are more true to the fabrics on the left. I lost my "real" camera and had to use my cell phone which does not take good pictures. Hope to correct that soon. Head on over to Judy's and see more reports.
Ohh, I love those fabrics!!! The quilt is darling.