Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 Wrap UP & 2018 Goals

I don't know about you, but this year has flown by so quickly for me.  It amazes me that it is almost 2018 tomorrow!  In looking back at what I accomplished on my goals for the year, I find that it was not as stellar as wished, but I did manage to finish up some of my long list of UFOs.  Here is my Excel spread sheet of my UFOs from last year minus the 6 that I did finish.  Now there are only 70 to go. This list started out with 160 projects  over 10 years ago when I started keeping track of them. There has been progress, but I hope to step it up in 2018.

A recap of sewing goals for 2017.
     Use 200 yards of fabric from stash --- used 155.18 yards
     Finish 1 UFO per month --- finished  quilting 7 
     Not buy any fabric --- bought 1/2 yd. and was gifted 3 fat quarters
     Make 5 QOV - made 8 (3 quilted, 5 tops to be hand quilted by our QOV 

I also made 20 bowl cozies for gifts, a few kennel quilts for animals of the fires in California,  pillowcases for charity and QOV, 3 baby quilts not on the UFO list and several group quilts with friends for QOV.  In addition to quilting, I finished several pairs of knitted socks .

I'm happy with the results for the year, but hope to use more from my stash and lower my UFO list by 12 or more.

Here's a few pictures in review of some of the quilts. 
60" x 80"
75" x 99"

71" x 85"


60" x 78"

Melon Party - Flannel backing
72" x 92"

67" x 78" QOV hand quilted

Back of log cabin

Sapphire Stars - top

 Lucky Stars - top

Final Stash Report - 2017
Fabric Added  YTD- 1.25 yds
Fabric Used  YTD  - 155.18 yds
Net Used from Stash - 153.93 yds

My goals for 2018 include
-- Using 200 yards of stash fabric
-- Donating 5-10 quilt tops for QOV
-- Finishing 12 UFOs from my list - Picking one each month
-- Knitting some hats and mittens from my stash yarn in addition to socks.
-- Trying to blog more often
-- Cleaning out more clutter from closets and drawers
-- Enjoying quilting with friends at least once a month
-- Trying one new recipe each month

Thank you all for sticking with me through 2017 and being there when I needed encouragement and advice.  Although I don't mention it often, I really do love reading your comments when I post and hope to get more involved in blogging activities again.   Happy New Year to all.  I'm going to welcome in the new year with some knitting and hand mending. Take care and stay healthy. 


  1. Even though you didn't meet your goals you made incredible progress. Good luck on the UFO list next year.

  2. I am impressed by all that you did do... we always think and hope that we can get more done, but there are only so many hours in a day, aren't there? Congrats on what you've done... Prayers for a productive and happy 2018!

  3. That's a pretty awesome year! And the UFO list is down to 70 from 160? Completing 90 quilts in 10 years is pretty impressive! Congrats on the successful stash management, even if you didn't meet your goal completely, you did really well at using rather than adding. I love all your QOV quilts. Wishing lots of success with your goals for 2018. Have a very happy New Year!

  4. I think you did a stellar job. Give your self more credit.

  5. What a lit of accomplishments! Well done!
    Thanks for linking up and sharing!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing and linking up. I hope that you have a lot of quilting joy as you work on these goals in 2018. Happy New Year!

  7. What a beautiful selection of quilts! I just started following your blog and am looking forward to seeing more in 2018 :) Happy New Year!

  8. You had a great quilt year. They are all beautiful and going to good places. Both of us are on a run for 200. Are any of your UFOs going to the QOV? And yes, I need hats and mittens. I think my age is making me feel the weather more.

  9. You have finished some beauties! But I'm really impressed by your UFO spreadsheet.... I look forward to seeing more completed quilts in 2018!

  10. I think it is a pretty impressive year - congrats on all you got done and best wishes on your 2018 goals!

  11. Looks like you had an outstanding year! Here's to a new year of creating and blogging!

  12. I have some sock yarn that I need to send to you. I can't use it (can't even get the chain stitch correct). Send me your snail mail address, and I'll get it out to you in the next few weeks. I really should list all of my UFO's like you do. Maybe then I'd remember them. Seems like I start more new projects, than ever finish anything.

  13. I'm so proud of you getting more than half those UFO's done in the last 10 years! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful Show and Tell, and good luck with those new goals.

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