Friday, January 15, 2016

On The Needles - Jan. 15, 2016

I finished the first pair of socks for 2016 and even wore them today!!  They felt really good and don't look half bad, IMHO.  

I looked back to see when they were started (way back in October) and if the yarn information was there.  You can find it HERE   I also noticed on that post that I had started a cowl, which had totally forgotten about. Maybe I'd better finish that too before starting something else ...or maybe not. !

I've been wanting to try this new yarn that is lumpy and bumpy that I picked up in Paducah last April. We'll see which one wins or if I can stick to finishing up what I started.

I'm going to Judy's OTN to see what everyone else is working on.  Join me there. 


  1. Cute socks! Good luck deciding what to work on next 😉

  2. Cute socks! You'll need them this week. Brrr!

  3. Very pretty socks and they look warm. If you got the snow weather that Springfield got, you needed those warm socks.

  4. Oh those are CUTE socks Dar!!! Congrats on finishing them! Isn't it fun to wear a newly cast-off pair of socks? I haven't started new ones since I finished the aqua ones. Need to go dig in my stash!


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