Let me wish all the mothers out there in Blogland a Happy Mother's Day. Where would we be without our dear mothers and all the love they have given us through the years. I no longer have my mother to share my days and thoughts with, but I am reminded of her so many times throughout the week by things that we did together, our favorite foods we enjoyed sharing and even in the grocery store I will hear someone say something that was a favorite expression of my mother's too. I miss her a lot, but know she's watching me and smiling at some of the things I say and do, which I'm sure are reminiscent of her. I was very blessed to have a wonderful mother and hope you all have a wonderful day.
It's been a quite a while since I've posted my stash report. Mostly it was because there was no activity in my fabric. I was doing more knitting. But after Paducah and several sales at local quilt shops, I have new stash. Here's some of what came home from AQS.

The black and whites are for the Soul Searching blocks (isn't the computer smiley faces fabric the cutest thing), the blue/white/black stripes was to be for Snow Friends, but it isn't the right color blue, so it will be added to my shelves for future use.
The green and blue variegated strips was on sale, and you just never know when it might come in handy, right? The pastel plaid MIGHT work on a baby quilt, not sure. This is however a STASH report, so it's future stash.
The baseball pieces are for a baby quilt in the planning stages. I'm looking for anything with baseball motifs on it.
So the bad news is that my Stash took a bit of a hit. There were several more pieces added that were not in the picture that were bought for various ongoing projects.
Fabric Added since last reported - 13.5 yards
Fabric Added YTD - 15.75 yds
Fabric Used since last report - 0
Fabric Used YTD - 16.28 yds
Net Used/in 2014 - .53 - oh this is close to being in the red. I've got to get busy.
To see what others have done with their stash this week, visit Patchwork Times