This week found me playing in my strings trying to use some of my overflowing baskets of strings to make scrappy string blocks for
Covered in Love. Here is a look at a few of what I pieced and they are all in the mail to Kat and Cat in Texas. It was fun sitting and sewing these strings, and I could have continued longer if the quantity strings were the determining factor, but other matters called. There are still too many strings occupying space in my sewing room, so more work is needed in this area throughout the year as an ongoing goal to use them all. Ha, who am I kidding .... in my lifetime?? No way!
Since we have a major quilt show coming in March -
Fanfare of Quilts of Bits 'n Pieces Quilt Guild, I took time to sew hanging sleeves and labels on the quilts that will be in the show,
Coming Home and
Celtic Solstice. I really wanted to finish Sapphire Stars for the show, but too much was going on to make it happen.
If you are in the St. Louis area the weekend of
March 17 - March 18 at Queeny Park in Ballwin, MO.
Suzanne Marshall will be our Featured Artist. She is an internationally acclaimed quilter. You can find more information about the show at the link above.
On other goals, OMG for January did not get finished-Sapphire Stars. Maybe
this month I will find time to quilt it. It has been put on the "to be quilted" pile along with 16 others. Since the rush is over to make the show, it may find itself farther back in the pile so the older ones get a chance to come out and play.
I feel badly for the ones that have been waiting soooo long. They deserve a chance to get finished too and out of the the dark closet where they are stored. They need a little attention and love after so many years waiting. and deserve to be finished, don't you think?
Sapphire Stars Mystery |
My stashbusing results from hanging sleeves and pieced string blocks with their fabric foundations resulted in a little more fabrics used this week.
Stash Report:
Added - 0
Used this week - 2.5 yds
Added YTD - none
Used YTD - 11.875 yds
Net used in 2018 - 11.75 yds