This was a productive week for me. I finished quilting the QOV quilt from last month and started hand stitching the binding down today while the snow was coming down. It was so beautiful. Lots of large, fluffy, wet snow clouds.

I searched through my stash and came up with the perfect binding fabric. This is not a good picture, but it's red, white and blue stripes. I'll get a better picture when the the binding is finished.
Because I wanted to get my design wall cleared a little, I finished the Twin Sisters blocks and added sashings and cornerstones. Now I have a small baby quilt top ready for quilting. It measures 36" x 43" which is smaller than I normally make, but this was just an excuse to play with this block. Thanks Sharon, it was fun and turned out real cute, I think.
On Wednesday, we presented 5 quilts to veterans who have served in Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan. Some brought their family to be a part of the presentation too. One young man (the 2nd picture) had served 3 tours and is now a recruiter for the Air Force in a city near St. Charles. He was so honored by the gift of a quilt. He had never heard of the Quilts of Valor organization, and could not believe we would make him one not even knowing him. I missed getting a picture of one veteran.
Home of the Free because of the Brave
Fabric bought - 0
Fabric received- .25 yd. - won a fat qtr. at guild mtg.
Fabric used this week - 8.87 yds
Fabric used in 2018 - 21.495 yds
Linking up with
Quilt, Paint, Create
Slow Sunday Stitching
Life in Pieces
Design Wall Monday